About Us

  1. Empathy-Centric Care: Prioritise understanding and acknowledging the unique experiences and challenges of individuals and relationships.

  2. Adaptability: Tailor therapeutic approaches to accommodate various physical and cognitive abilities, ensuring inclusivity.

  3. Non-judgmental Environment: Foster a safe space where clients feel free from judgment, allowing open exploration of sensitive topics.

  4. Effective Communication: Use clear and accessible communication methods, adjusting language and tools based on individual needs.

  5. Collaboration: Work collaboratively with healthcare professionals, caregivers, and support networks to ensure holistic care and support.

  6. Inclusivity: Recognise and respect diverse sexualities, orientations, and gender identities within the framework of psychosexual therapy.

  7. Education: Provide relevant education and resources to empower clients, promoting self-advocacy and informed decision-making.

  8. Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries while maintaining a compassionate and supportive therapeutic relationship.

  9. Cultural Competence: Be culturally competent and aware of intersectionality, addressing how various aspects of identity may impact psychosexual experiences.

Our Values

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We offer two convenient ways to book your appointment: through our online calendar or by contacting our administrative team at admin@jkltherapycentre.com